Saturday, May 16, 2009


I had a going away dinner tonight at a fancy restaurant. I decided I should wear something besides my usual jeans. I started searching the shelves and all I could find was jeans, jeans, and maternity clothes...What to do?...Then an aha moment. I have a section in my closet that I have been hiding my smaller sized clothing. I pushed back the cobwebs (kidding) and there they were a colorful section of capri pants. I pulled out the black ones (dressy) and pulled them on...Holding my breath I continued...They fit and there was room to zip, breath, and sit! I had to dust the knee off...yes they had been hanging for almost 3 years and 3 moves. But I looked good...No I looked GOOD!!! and wow...WOW!!! Now all of my old clothes are new again...I can't wait until my new clothes are wearable. Yes I did buy 2 sizes smaller in hopes that I would lose enough to fit after I had the baby. So maybe soon.

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