Thursday, May 14, 2009


I feel like I've lost control...I've lost my will power, or maybe just got lazy. Even though this diet consists of pre-packaged shakes and bars, I find myself feeling like there is too much. Too much food. Sounds silly right? I never ate this much before. Have you ever tried eating 6 times a day? I have to keep a schedule...I need to keep one. I find myself with 2 hrs of the day left and I still need to fit in 2 more meals. Keeping track of your caloric intake is more work than it sounds.
I never knew food would be so much work! I also didn't realize I was drinking my calories during the day. I can I mean could consume over 1000 calories of 1% milk in a day! I knew I loved milk, but I didn't know I loved it that much!

I am getting better at the exercise. I walk more than I did before, but less than I should. I did a series of 3 sets of 30 crunches...more than I've done in 8 yrs and I did 9 push ups, granted they were girly style, but hey.
I am graphing my weight loss to make me accountable...So be accountable, Megan! I could do so much better, and I can see that, I know that, but why is losing a little good enough for me? Shouldn't losing a lot be better? I think so. So starting tomorrow I will stick to it!

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